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Capsulitis a.k.a. Predislocation Syndrome

plantar plate rupture

Capsulitis a.k.a. Predislocation Syndrome

What is Capsulitis?
Also known as predislocation syndrome, capsulitis of the second toe is an inflammation of the ligaments near the toe joints, brought on by excessive force to the forefoot. Although capsulitis can also occur in the joints of the third and fourth toes, it most commonly affects the second toe—hence the name “Capsulitis of the Second Toe”.

Capsulitis is a progressive disorder and will worsen if left untreated, so it is important to seek diagnosis early on if you have the following symptoms:

  • Burning or aching pain, particularly on the ball of the foot. Some patients describe the feeling of “walking on a rock”
  • Swelling the area of the pain, including the base of the second toe.
  • Difficulty wearing shoes.
  • Advanced pain when walking barefoot.
  • In more advanced stages, the second toe will drift over toward the big toe, eventually crossing over the top of the big toe.
    Capsulitis of the Second Toe

    Pain is usually felt in the ball of the foot under the second toe.

crossover toe

Advanced stages of cross over toe.

Capsulitis is generally caused by abnormal foot mechanics, where the ball of the foot takes an excessive amount of weight-bearing pressure. Certain conditions can make a person more prone to capsulitis, such as a severe bunion, a second toe that is longer than the big toe, or flat fleet. Proper orthotics can help prevent capsulitis.

When caught early, capsulitis can be treated without surgery and I will typically recommend a combination of:

  • Rest and ice
  • Oral anti-inflammatory medications
  • Taping or splinting of the toe so it stays in the correct position when healing
  • Shoe modifications
  • Orthotics or custom inserts for your shoes.

If the condition has progressed so far that the toe is moving towards the big toe, the only option is surgery. So it is important to catch this one early on!

If you have any symptoms listed above, be sure to schedule an appointment!

Dr. Frank, 541-385-7129

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